Era of Chaos - Exclusive Inferno

Neutral Conflux Inferno Dungeon Fortress Rampart Castle Tower Stronghold Cove Necropolis

Warning You can get more information about Unit’s Exclusive by clicking on Exclusive link.

Exclusive Level Upgrade: Exclusive Upgrade Cost Per Level

Nr Unit Exclusive Open Type Item to Rank UP Skin
1 Imp Iris Shield - Charge Iris Shield Token -
2 Gog Arcane Chant - Charge Arcane Chant Token -
3 Hell Hound Knight Pike + Charge Knight Pike Token -
4 Demon Iris Shield + Charge Iris Shield Token -
5 Pit Fiend Sword - Charge Sword Token -
6 Efreeti Arcane Chant - Charge Arcane Chant Token -
7 Devil Devil Scythe - Support Devil Scythe Token Devil Scythe Special Skin
8 Nightmare - Ranged Nightmare’s Eye Token Tool_250809
9 Venom Spawn - - - none none
